Happy New Year 2009!
Wish good health, good luck and much happiness be with you throughout the year!
下面分享一個我非常非常喜歡的短片,是我之前閱讀 "The Secret" 這本書時發現的。
因為太喜歡了,感動到每次看了都很想哭 (感情太豐沛?! )
The Secret to You..A Gift From The Secret Scrolls (~影片請按連結另開視窗~)
The Secret to You
A gift from The Secret dedicated to someone very special...
Today is the beginning of my new life.
I am starting over today.
All good things are coming to me today.
I am grateful to be alive.
I see beauty all around me.
I live with passion and purpose.
I take time to laugh and play every day.
I am awake, energized and alive.
I focus on all the good things in life.
And give thanks for them.
I am at peace and one with everything.
I feel the love, the joy, the abundance.
I am free to be myself.
I am magnificence in human form.
I am the perfection of life.
I am grateful to be...
Today is the best day of my life.